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Counseling And Psychotherapy Blog

" The mind, once expanded by a new idea, never regains its original form... "

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

" Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference... "

– Robert Frost

" Like the David of Michelangelo that dwelt within the stone, inner peace, if only you chisel, could be your very own... "

– Anonymous

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If You’re Struggling, Counseling And Psychotherapy Can Help

Like many people, do you feel overwhelmed with challenging life circumstances, painful feelings, difficult couples issues in a relationship or marriage, family problems, loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress, loss, fears, life transitions, or hopelessness?

Have you lost touch with, or never really known, how it feels to be truly alive? Do you long for meaningful connection with others, and to enjoy inner peace?

There IS hope! – – Professional Counseling and Psychotherapy with a skilled and caring psychotherapist might just be the answer… whether it’s Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Here on the About Therapy page of my Counseling and Psychotherapy website, I offer a nice overview of what counseling and psychotherapy is, and how counseling and psychotherapy can be helpful for you if you participate as a counseling and psychotherapy client.

As you read through my About Therapy page, and the other helpful pages here on my Counseling and Psychotherapy website, if you have questions about my professional counseling and psychotherapy services, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, or about me as a Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, and would like to start with a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION AT NO CHARGE with no obligation, please feel free to contact me anytime! I welcome your Phone Call or Email, and would be happy to help you!

Are Counseling, Therapy, And Psychotherapy The Same?

The terms Counseling, Therapy, and Psychotherapy mean essentially the same thing. The terms Counseling, Therapy, and Psychotherapy are all labels for the psychological healing and personal growth process facilitated for you by a state licensed mental health professional who has achieved an advanced academic degree in professional psychotherapy, and who may be referred to as a Counselor, Therapist, or Psychotherapist.

The term Psychotherapy literally means therapy that deals with the “psyche,” or “mind.” It’s just a fancy way of saying Counseling or Therapy. Some people prefer one or two of these terms, while other people use all three.

Regardless of what you call it, this therapy process is often VERY HELPFUL and DEEPLY REWARDING! What you call this special process is really a matter of what makes you feel most comfortable.

Here on my Counseling and Psychotherapy website, and if we work together in psychotherapy as psychotherapist and client, you’ll notice I use these terms Counseling, Therapy, and Psychotherapy interchangeably, such as when I refer to Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Is Therapy Different Than Talking To Family And Friends?

If you’ve ever talked about your personal problems with family and friends, you’ve probably found that while they might mean well, they often don’t really understand, don’t know what to say, and don’t know how to help. This may leave you feeling thankful for their attempt, but sadly, still suffering inside, alone.

Fortunately, counseling and psychotherapy IS different. The professional insight, tools, and guidance of an experienced, caring, well trained psychotherapist often really can be the difference that makes the difference!

Counseling and psychotherapy is a powerful, effective process of healing, growth, and wellness through sessions with a good psychotherapist.

Is Counseling And Psychotherapy "Just For Weak And Crazy People”?

Counseling and psychotherapy is NOT "just for weak and crazy people,” and that includes counseling and psychotherapy clients who participate in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

The truth is, most people who come to therapy have been or are under difficult circumstances that would bother almost anyone, and have strength, courage, and a desire to heal and improve their lives!

In addition, counseling and psychotherapy can be more than just a last response to life’s problems when nothing else works.

In fact, because of its healing and personal growth benefits, counseling and psychotherapy is actually an important part of a good health and wellness program that can benefit almost anyone, whether you’re struggling with deeper issues and challenges, have just minor issues to resolve, or are doing well and want to advance even further.

Does Counseling And Psychotherapy Really Work?

Many scientific research studies conducted over the years have shown the benefits and effectiveness of counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapy, facilitated by a skilled and caring psychotherapist, in helping a broad range of counseling and psychotherapy clients to improve their quality of life.

In particular, many of these research studies show that, while the psychotherapist’s professional psychotherapy skills are very important, one of the keys to successful psychotherapy is the connected, trusting therapy relationship that develops between psychotherapist and client.

This is true for all types of counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

This is why, in addition to my many years of developing professional education, training, experience, and skill in counseling and psychotherapy, I place such high importance on supportive, understanding, customized care, and why, as an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, I have been so effective in helping a wide range of people to live happier, more satisfying lives!

What Exactly IS Counseling And Psychotherapy?

Counseling and psychotherapy is supportive, interpersonal, professional healthcare treatment for problems in living.

According to many scientific research studies, counseling and psychotherapy with a skilled and caring psychotherapist can be very effective in helping counseling and psychotherapy clients to resolve and improve a variety of issues and problems.

In addition, counseling and psychotherapy with a good psychotherapist can be experienced by psychotherapy clients as deeply meaningful and rewarding. Counseling and psychotherapy promotes personal growth and wellness, can alleviate pain and suffering, and can add meaning and richness to your life. This is often true for all types of counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Counseling and psychotherapy involves you and I collaborating during weekly therapy sessions, either through convenient Remote Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions by video, or In-Office Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions in the comfort of my peaceful San Fernando Valley counseling and psychotherapy office in Encino.

During our counseling and psychotherapy sessions, we can explore and process your internal thoughts, feelings, and behavior, as well as the external people, relationships, and circumstances of your life. We can also explore options and possibilities; choices and their consequences; and new ways of responding, including effective strategies, skills, and tools for living life well.

During our counseling and psychotherapy sessions, I can also share with you my professional insights, understandings, and expertise about issues you would like help in resolving, and personal changes and goals you would like to accomplish, but which you’ve had trouble doing on your own.

Then, together as psychotherapist and client, we can work toward finding ways to help you apply all of this to yourself as a person, and to your life, overall.

Regardless of your situation, counseling and psychotherapy is a wonderful opportunity to work toward healing and resolving your personal issues with my supportive, professional guidance. Counseling and psychotherapy is also a wonderful opportunity to learn about yourself, other people, and life in general. In simple terms, counseling and psychotherapy with a skilled and caring psychotherapist has the potential to help you live a healthier, more enjoyable, more meaningful life!

What Will We Do In Our Counseling And Psychotherapy Sessions?

Through convenient Remote Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions by video, or In-Office Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions in my peaceful San Fernando Valley psychotherapy office in Encino, our counseling and psychotherapy sessions will be SAFE, CARING, AND CONFIDENTIAL so you can freely express yourself.

With my professional insight, understanding, and support as your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, and with my focus on SOLUTIONS AND RESULTS, I will help you explore your feelings, thoughts, and behavior so you ideally arrive at an open, clear level of awareness; identify your issues and strengths; and work to create positive, lasting changes in your life.

As your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, I will also help you gain perspective on past experiences and current relationships, learn helpful skills for effective living, envision your hopes and dreams, and clarify meaningful goals for the future and how to pursue their accomplishment.

Whether we do Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, together as psychotherapist and client we will start where you are today, build on your strengths, identify and resolve your limiting issues, and nurture positive qualities to help you work toward the kind of happier, healthier, more enjoyable life you want and deserve!

What’s My First Step To Get Started In Counseling And Psychotherapy?

Whether you’re looking for Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, self-improvement through counseling and psychotherapy is a wise investment in yourself. And, the rewards of counseling and psychotherapy with an experienced professional psychotherapist can often be so well worth it!

For many people, choosing an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, can be very personal. To help you make the right choice, I give a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION AT NO CHARGE, with absolutely no obligation. I offer this special consultation either by phone, or in my comfortable counseling and psychotherapy office located in Encino, which is also very close to Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, and the entire San Fernando Valley and surrounding Los Angeles communities.

When you contact me for your Confidential Initial Consultation At No Charge, you’ll find that as a psychotherapist and counselor, in addition to my professional education, training, and experience in psychotherapy, I genuinely care about people, and that I’m also very accepting, supportive, non-judgmental, and kind, as well as understanding, friendly, down-to-earth, and easy to talk to.

In your consultation, you can describe to me your problems and goals, ask all of your questions, and get to know me as an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, and I will answer your questions and tell you how I can help you.

Most therapists bill for this, but I don’t, because I believe you should have the chance to consult with me at no charge before you begin therapy.

I applaud your courage, and welcome your Phone Call or Email so that together as psychotherapist and client, through my helpful Counseling and Psychotherapy Services, we can start creating positive, lasting changes in your life!

Start Your Path To A Happier Life!

If you’ve been struggling, and are looking for relief, contact me today for a Confidential Initial Consultation At No Charge, with absolutely no obligation. 

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