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Counseling And Psychotherapy Blog

" The mind, once expanded by a new idea, never regains its original form... "

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

" It is easy to say, “be yourself,” but quite another thing to know who you truly are... "

– Carl Jung

" And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to bloom... "

– Anais Nin

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What Is Your View Of People Who Come To Therapy?

I have great respect for people who choose counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, as a way to heal and grow, because I know how hard life can be sometimes, and because I know that everyone has those parts of themselves and their behavior that are difficult to see, understand, or change without expert assistance.

Over the years, throughout my career as a professional psychotherapist and counselor, I’ve heard many of my counseling and psychotherapy clients tell me how much they appreciate the meaningful experience of personal growth and self-improvement through therapy in general, and with me as their Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, in particular.

However, I also know that for people who have never participated in therapy before, or for whom it’s been a while since they’ve been in therapy, that coming to therapy might feel “new and different” in the beginning. But, I also know that people can often evolve, adjust, and grow, and that many people who are new to therapy can discover, through our work together as psychotherapist and client, just how beneficial, rewarding, and enriching Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can be.

Because I genuinely care about people, I’m very supportive and patient, and always have SOLUTIONS AND RESULTS as my top priority. Beginning with my CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION AT NO CHARGE – – which we can do by phone or in my peaceful counseling and psychotherapy office in Encino – – and throughout our therapy sessions together, I will approach you professionally with kindness, compassion, understanding, and acceptance.

And, as your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, I will always give you my full professional psychotherapy expertise and skills. Not only is this an important part of good Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy… it’s also a big part of who I am as an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist.

I hope you enjoy reading about my approach to counseling and psychotherapy, and how I can be of service to you, whether as your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist. If you have any questions or would like to benefit from my counseling and psychotherapy services, I welcome your Phone Call or Email. I’m here for you when you’re ready…

What Is Your Role As Counselor And Psychotherapist?

As your counselor and psychotherapist, my role includes helping you toward a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life that feels right to you.

My role as your counselor and psychotherapist also includes helping you ideally heal and work past emotional wounds, distorted thinking, disruptive patterns, and limiting behaviors… and… to develop effective understandings, strategies, and skills to feel and live well.

To help you toward your goals in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, my job as your psychotherapist includes guiding you toward places within yourself where past disappointments, heartaches, and limiting issues are ideally resolved and released, and to help you develop healthier, more effective, more satisfying ways of understanding and responding to yourself, other people, and life in general.

My job as your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, is also to help you toward deeper meaning, purpose, and inner peace, to help you gain insight and awareness, and to help you develop important capacities that you can use to live a more rewarding and enjoyable life.

What Is Your Personality Like In Therapy Sessions?

As an Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, I’m very professional, friendly, understanding, down-to-earth, and easy to talk to. I’m also very interactive because I see counseling and psychotherapy as a collaboration between psychotherapist and client, to serve your psychotherapy needs. In a way, I’m like a trusted guide. My clients in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapy, tend to really like my personality and energy as a therapist, and tend to feel emotionally safe, well understood, and happy with their progress.

What Is Your Style Of Conducting Counseling And Psychotherapy?

In counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapy, I will listen very carefully to everything you say, and will custom tailor my professional counseling and psychotherapy methods to your specific needs.

With my warm, friendly, interactive approach to counseling and therapy, we’ll work together as psychotherapist and client toward resolving your personal issues, and toward cultivating for you a happier, more satisfying life.

Through convenient remote counseling psychotherapy sessions by video, or in the comfort of my peaceful counseling and psychotherapy office in Encino, which is very close to Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, and the rest of the San Fernando Valley and surrounding Los Angeles areas, our counseling and psychotherapy sessions, whether in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, will be SAFE, CARING, AND CONFIDENTIAL so you can freely express yourself.

With my insight, understanding, and support, and my focus on SOLUTIONS AND RESULTS, together as psychotherapist and client we will explore your feelings, thoughts, and behavior so you ideally arrive at an open, clear level of awareness; identify your issues and strengths; and work to create positive, lasting changes in your life.

As your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, I will also work to help you gain perspective on your experiences and relationships, learn helpful skills for effective living, envision your hopes and dreams, and clarify meaningful goals for the future and how to pursue their accomplishment.

Together, as psychotherapist and client, we will start where you are today, build on what’s healthy, work to identify and ideally resolve any limiting issues you may have, and work toward cultivating additional positive qualities to help you progressively live a more satisfying and enjoyable life!

Which Counseling And Psychotherapy Methods Do You Use?

As your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, I will help you toward your therapy goals by using a combination of trusted, scientifically researched, professional psychotherapy methods gently enhanced by eastern holistic wisdom, for a well-rounded, effective approach.

My professional counseling and psychotherapy methods will be carefully selected and custom tailored to your specific issues and goals, and may include Humanistic, Existential, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral, Solution Focused, Strategic Therapy, Family Systems, Couples Therapy, Guided Imagery, Relaxation, Dream Work, and Clinical Hypnosis.

Enhancing my ability to help you are my additional studies since 1992 in Eastern Philosophy and Holistic Health And Wellness, as well as my regular practice of Yoga and Meditation since 1997.

In addition to professional counseling and psychotherapy methods and wisdom, which are very important for helping people heal and grow in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapy, scientific research shows that one of the most important keys to successful counseling and psychotherapy is the connected, trusting psychotherapy relationship that develops between psychotherapist and client.

As a professional psychotherapist, this is why, in addition to my education, training, experience, and skills in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Hypnotherapy, I place such high value on supportive, understanding, customized care.

Across the globe, there are many approaches to life and psychotherapy, each with their own value. Integrating the best of them into effective counseling and psychotherapy services custom-tailored to your specific needs and goals is my top priority, because helping you live a happier, more satisfying life is who I am as a counselor and psychotherapist.

Start Your Path To A Happier Life!

If you’ve been struggling, and are looking for relief, contact me today for a Confidential Initial Consultation At No Charge, with absolutely no obligation. 

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