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Counseling And Psychotherapy Blog

" The mind, once expanded by a new idea, never regains its original form... "

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

" Hypnosis is not mystical. It is an effective way to communicate therapeutic ideas, possibilities, perspectives, and skills on a deeper level, so the person feels receptive, motivated, and empowered to use them... "

– Milton H. Erickson, M.D.

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What Is The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy?

Here’s The Truth: Unfortunately, due to whacky and misleading portrayals of Hypnosis in television, film, and “entertainment stage hypnosis shows,” there are many false myths and misconceptions wrongly loaded into the small 8-letter word “Hypnosis,” which many people mistakenly believe and fear.

But, when you remove these distorted portrayals, and the 8-letter label “Hypnosis,” what’s left is a scientifically well researched, safe, and often very beneficial counseling and psychotherapy process, which would be just as effective and enjoyable regardless of what you call it.

In fact, for decades, Professional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy has been and continues to be an extremely powerful, deeply relaxing, and often very effective method within counseling and psychotherapy, which has helped many people to live happier, more satisfying lives!

Here on my Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy page, I provide for you a nice general overview of what Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is, including how Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can be a beneficial part of professional counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, and Family Therapy, when facilitated for you by an experienced, skilled, and caring psychotherapist who is well trained in the art and science of Professional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

I hope you enjoy reading about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy here on my Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy page, and also about Counseling and Psychotherapy in general, here on my Counseling and Psychotherapy Website.

If you’re curious about experiencing the potential benefits of professional counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy,  and with me as your Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, or Hypnotherapist, please feel free to Contact Me anytime for a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION AT NO CHARGE, With Absolutely No Obligation. I welcome your Phone Call or Email, and would be happy to help you!

What Exactly Is Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy?

First of all, Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy is OPTIONAL.

Hypnosis is just one of many healing and growth-promoting counseling and psychotherapy tools that a psychotherapist who is skillfully trained in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can use for communicating helpful ideas to you in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.

Ultimately, Hypnosis is about empowering you to live increasingly well through solution-oriented positive psychology.

Hypnosis is a safe and comfortable counseling and psychotherapy process which I, as a psychotherapist who is skillfully trained in Hypnosis, can facilitate for you.

Through Hypnosis, I would work toward helping you get deeply relaxed, focused, and absorbed in learning new life skills and improved perspectives, to access and use your inner strengths and resources, and to ideally feel better about yourself and your life.

And, Hypnosis can potentially help you bring it all to life on deep levels inside yourself so your counseling and psychotherapy progress can potentially be faster and longer lasting than “talk therapy” alone.

In fact, scientific research shows that Hypnosis tends to enhance many counseling and psychotherapy approaches with which it is used, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.

What Kinds Of Issues And Problems Can Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Help Me With?

In counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnotherapy, scientific research shows that with the help of a well trained, caring, and skilled psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, hypnosis often has the potential to help you work past an extraordinary range of difficult issues and problems, including those related to depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, life transitions, relationships, family problems, communication, career, self-esteem, body image, bad habits, and more!

Can Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Help Me?

If, like most people, you have an imagination, an ability to focus, and a desire and capacity to learn and improve, then you may be a good candidate for success in Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, and Family Therapy, including Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

How Does Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Work?

If you would like to benefit from optional Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy as part of your Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, or Family Therapy with me, then during our therapy sessions, you and I, together as psychotherapist and client, will identify your disruptive issues and patterns, your strengths and positive qualities, and your counseling and psychotherapy goals.

Based on your specific issues and goals, as your psychotherapist and hypnotherapist I will then identify skills, resources, and perspectives needed to accomplish your goals, and will custom design Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy especially for you, to help you toward your desired improvements.

At that point, when you’re ready, we would begin a Hypnosis process within an Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, or Family Therapy session.

What Happens During A Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Session?

During the actual Hypnosis experience within an Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, or Family Therapy session, there really isn’t anything you have to do.

Here Is How It Works: Either through convenient Remote Counseling and Psychotherapy Sessions by video, or in my comfortable, peaceful San Fernando Valley counseling and psychotherapy office in Encino... with your permission I would suggest that you relax, get comfortable, and close your eyes.

Then, I would gently guide you toward becoming deeply relaxed, comfortable, and focused, yet also aware and alert inside so you can follow along carefully, as I talk to you in particular ways about interesting new ideas and possibilities - - different ways of thinking about and responding to life experiences, other people, and yourself - - all aligned with the psychotherapy and hypnotherapy goals that you and I agree would be healing, growth promoting, and meaningful for you, and that support you deeply in your evolution as a person.

As your psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, my hope is that as you get deeply focused on and absorbed in the new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities that I share with you during Hypnosis, you would begin the process of feeling better about yourself, and would begin the process of opening up to new and improved ways of responding to life, including healthier perspectives, wise understandings, and valuable life skills that you would internalize and bring back with you from Hypnosis - - to use outside of Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnotherapy - - and in your real life, where it matters most!

Will You Record Each Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Experience, So I Can Listen Between Sessions?

Yes! To help you even more as your psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, I will record myself into my digital voice recorder as I do each Hypnosis experience for you as part of our Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, or Hypnotherapy sessions together, and then I will email you each Hypnosis recording which you can download, have forever, and be able to listen to between sessions as often or as little as you would like. That’s just another part of my top quality counseling and psychotherapy service!

How Can I Get Started With Counseling And Psychotherapy, With Or Without Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy?

If you want help and relief through counseling and psychotherapy, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, or Family Therapy, with or without Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, then you can begin by participating in a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION AT NO CHARGE, with absolutely no obligation.

During your counseling and psychotherapy consultation, you can tell me all about your situation, ask questions, and get to know me as a Individual Psychotherapist, Couples Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Premarital Counselor, Family Therapist, and Hypnotherapist. We can also discuss how I can help you through my counseling and psychotherapy services, including Individual Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Family Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.

When you’re ready to get started, you’re welcome to step beyond just reading my counseling and psychotherapy website, and contact me by Phone Call or Email so that together we can start with a simple and easy consultation aimed at creating positive, lasting changes in your life…

Start Your Path To A Happier Life!

If you’ve been struggling, and are looking for relief, contact me today for a Confidential Initial Consultation At No Charge, with absolutely no obligation. 

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